I write and speak on topics ranging from building, running and collaborating with engineering teams, managing organizational culture, to the intersection of mission, growth and technological innovation. I also run an interview series in which I talk to technology leaders, founders and innovators.
Selected Writing
Looking Back on Four Years at The Times
April 5, 2020
A month ago, after four years and a quarter as CTO, I left The New York Times. It was an amazing four years, and I want to take a moment to capture some of what we accomplished, and some of what I learned in the process.
Develop Your Culture Like Software
November 28, 2017
I just tried out a new talk at La Victoria Lab’s innovation festival in Lima, recently. The topic was a first look at an experiment we have been engaging in at the Times, somewhat by chance, in working on our culture like it was software. I’m not sure how it went over, but personally, I think we are onto something good and novel.
Talking Technology: Scott Belsky
March 29,, 2018
Scott Belsky is the founder of Behance and 99U, and currently the Chief Product Officer for Creative Cloud at Adobe. He is also a frequent investor, a great writer and an all-around fun guy.