
I build modern, mature teams for mission-driven companies, and bring a builder’s perspective to digital strategy.



Fastly is a high-growth, highly technical edge computing platform, helping good companies do great things. I am currently helping Fastly to evolve from a fast-growing startup into a true web technology innovator and leader for years to come.


The New York Times

As CTO for over 4 years, I helped The New York Times become a truly digital company. During that time we grew digital subscriptions by five times, transformed how the newsroom worked, and launched a successful multi-product strategy.

Looking Back at Four Years at The New York Times


Conde Nast

Conde Nast is the global publisher of iconic brands such as The New Yorker, Wired, and Vogue, as well as digital brands like Epicurious, Ars Technica and Pitchfork. As CTO, I helped reboot the company’s digital product strategy, and rebuilt the product, design and engineering teams, leading to tripling our global audience and doubling digital revenue.


MTV Networks

As digital CTO from 2000 to 2010, I grew up professionally inside the creative powerhouse behind MTV, Nickelodeon, and Comedy Central. During that time we pioneered digital video production and distribution, ran some of the largest live events on the web, built a full-featured digital subscription service, and launched a global network of websites.